Decorative Abstract Image

ASCRU PRU Showcase, 9 March 2023

Slides / videos / summary papers from the event are linked to below where available.

Integrated care systems – the ongoing development of the architecture of system management

Marie Sanderson
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine


Understanding the hospital discharge process and the role of social care

Jose-Luis Fernandez
London School of Economics & Political Science

International learning from health and social care integration with a focus on issues around accountability and governance

Josephine Exley
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine


Is extending eligibility for adult social care better than investing more in existing users in England?

Francesco Longo
University of York


Wage differentials and wage elasticities of labour supply for adult social care

Florin Vadean
University of Kent


International recruitment of adult social care workers. The visa study

Jill Manthorpe and Kalpa Kharicha
King’s College London
