Decorative Abstract Image


Maximising ASCRU research impact


Translating research findings into actionable policy measures can be challenging and requires more than ensuring that the research project addresses policy relevant questions and/or that its research findings are summarised in plain English. For instance, maximising impact requires clarity about which (and how) short-, medium- and long-term policy decisions might be informed by the project; and expressing its findings directly in relation to these decisions. Also, important methodological issues include expressing the findings’ uncertainty in ways which enable (rather than impede) policy decisions to be taken.


The aim of this project will be to develop, building on Theory of Change methods, and in collaboration with DHSC colleagues, an approach that will guide the engagement between ASCRU2 researchers and DHSC stakeholders throughout the life of ASCRU2 projects, in order to maximise their policy impact.


The first part of the project will involve the identification of a typology of research projects (using as examples previous ASCRU projects), which classifies them in terms of the way in which they are expected to contribute to policy decisions. For instance, the typology will distinguish between projects which:

  • Respond directly to DHSC requests for analysis

  • Address strategic, longer term social care policy questions

  • Are relevant to specific stakeholders. 

The project will then co-produce with DHSC colleagues a methodology which enable the appropriate engagement between DHSC stakeholders and researchers to identify:

  • The likely policy decisions (by DHSC and/or other policy stakeholders) which might be informed by findings from the project in the short/medium term.

  • The best strategy for communicating the projects’ findings to enable DHSC colleagues to make decisions.

The second part of the project will involve engagement with researchers involved in the other ASCRU2 projects, supporting them in implementing strategies to better communicate the impact of their projects and supporting engagement with DHSC during and after the project’s completion.


Adelina Comas-Herrera (Lead), Jose-Luis Fernandez


  • Start Date: January 2024
  • End Date: October 2024
