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Public Involvement and Engagement

People who have experience of using adult social care services and carers are important partners in ASCRU. They help our research to be relevant, insightful and clear and easy to understand.

Public Involvement and Engagement Group (PIEG)

In October 2023 we refreshed our PIEG by advertising to find people with experience of using or caring for somebody who uses adult social care services to become members of PIEG. We now have 21 public advisors with a variety of experiences of adult social care in England.

PIEG members are supported by the ASCRU Public Involvement Leads, Jennifer Bostock and Karen Jones. 

Members of PIEG work with us to make sure that our work is relevant to people who use adult social care services. Public advisors:

  • develop and review ASCRU’s public involvement and engagement strategy
  • support and advise individual research projects
  • identify potential topics for future research
  • comment on research information and materials
  • advise on how to develop information for the public and how to tell people about the findings of our research.

PIEG members work closely with ASCRU’s Management Group and a public advisor attends the monthly management meeting.

The group meets twice a year.

Jargon Busters

For a definition of some of the common terms used in health and social care see the Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Jargon Buster.

For definitions of some common research or public involvement terms see the NIHR Glossary.