Our work within ASCRU is to provide robust research evidence to inform social care policy, in particular for the Department of Health and Social Care.
We believe one of the best ways to impact policy is to show how the results of our work can affect the lives of those who use social care support (whether they use services or not), their carers and society at large.
By involving these public groups in the planning, execution and dissemination of our research we will put those who are affected by social care at the heart of our evidence and results. By encouraging research teams to co-create and co-present in academic, social care and political arenas we will maximise the impact of our work by acknowledging the lived experiences of those affected by social care policies.
Finally, by using creative methods of involvement in all research and dissemination we can reach the broadest possible audiences for findings, including audiences traditional academia struggles to reach.
We have drawn upon the UK Standards for Public Involvement1 and the four challenges of reach, relevance, refinement and relationship outlined in Going the Extra Mile2 to develop our Strategy.
We have also learned from, and embodied into our strategy, the experience and ways of promoting Public Involvement and Engagement (PIE) within social care research of other PRUs (Policy Research Units) and associated organisations and networks.
Our Strategy defines an underlining set of Objectives which establish what we are trying to achieve with PIE3. These are supported by an Implementation Plan which establishes how we work to achieve them.
Diagram produced by the UK Standards Partnership: https://sites.google.com/nihr.ac.uk/pi-standards/home
The PIE Strategy was co-produced by a working group including Public Advisors, (Monica Jefford and Chris Pavlakis), PIE leads (Jennifer Bostock and Karen Jones), our Involvement Coordinator (Jo Ward), the Unit Director (Jose-Luis Fernandez) and the Unit Manager (Anji Mehta).
Our wider Public Involvement and Engagement Group (PIEG) fed into the development of this Strategy as it builds on informal discussions and feedback from across the unit. We will work together across ASCRU to implement its approach and ensure it is embedded within project-level work with individual research teams.
“True progress in social care policy is achieved when the voices of those it touches are woven into its foundation. Public and patient involvement transforms research into a shared vision, making policies more empathetic, grounded, and responsive to real-life challenges.”
– Jose-Luis Fernandez, ASCRU Director
“PIE is strategically intrinsic to ASCRU as service recipients’ interests and wellbeing are at the heart of its service provision. Such an overarching statement is all inclusive and at each level of the organisation, professional and lay, alike can embrace its principles to ensure their care is led/managed effectively and delivered appropriately at point of care.”
– Monica Jefford, ASCRU PIEG Member
“PIE is a critical component to think thoroughly, design and conduct health and care research. It is a necessity, not a ‘nice-to-have’, with lay members wearing the hat of a critical friend.”
– Chris Pavlakis, ASCRU PIEG Member
Our Strategy focuses upon 6 objectives, identified by asking ’What is important to us and our Public Advisors?’
Objective 1: Pursing excellence in PIE activities
Public Advisors should have a positive experience working within ASCRU and feel valued and engaged. To achieve this, we will:
Objective 2: Oversight, governance, and independence
Our PIE leads and representatives from the wider PIEG will attend all ASCRU management meetings playing an equal part in agenda setting. ASCRU’s Public Advisors are crucial in having critical independent oversight of ASCRU’s activities, both at the management and at project levels.
Objective 3: Learning and sharing
Our focus on ‘Research First’, within a culture of trust, will encourage researchers and Public Advisors to work in a way that acknowledges and values all sources of knowledge and co-learn together to meet the needs of the research.
Objective 4: Recognition and reward
All Public Advisors will be paid for their time at recommended NIHR rates. We shall ensure that research teams have a budget that covers necessary funding for involvement work and expenses. In addition to financial renumeration, within ASCRU we encourage research teams to seek opportunities to creatively involve Public Advisors and to acknowledge their contributions in all outputs, including co-authorship and co-presentation where appropriate.
Objective 5: Capacity Building – Here, there, and everywhere
PIEG members have diverse backgrounds, expertise, skills and personal experiences of social care and research. We shall aim to share, learn and build a PIE network of Public Advisors who will enrich and enhance social care research now and in the future. By sharing practice across the Unit and with other allied units and groups we aim to contribute to a growing understanding of Involvement practice across the sector.
Objective 6: Maintaining PIE through the life of the Unit
We recognise that circumstances change, and that the motivation of ASCRU’s Public Advisors and researchers may fluctuate. We shall aid motivation and momentum by maintaining strong relations between researchers and public advisers and promoting communication and enthusiasm within individual research teams and in the wider Unit.
Alongside capacity building, creative opportunities for development and recognition, such as through certificates, providing references and making university resources available where possible, will aim to ensure advisors find fulfilment through being part of ASCRU.
The delivery of our Strategy’s objectives will be facilitated by a culture of openness and transparency within ASCRU, which encourages researchers and Public Advisors to identify and discuss with the PIE team what things work well and what things do not.
ASCRU’s culture will promote flexibility to respond to projects’ needs appropriately and encourage further PIE, based on mutual collaboration (between public advisors and researchers), shared decision making and dealing with all/any matters arising at the earliest point feasible.
Our Strategy is a living document which is regularly examined as our research needs change. It is supported by an internal Implementation Plan, which outlines the day-to-day processes to guide our work.
To ensure that our PIE is impactful – not tokenistic – we will ask the question ‘What will this/has this involvement done for the research?’ We will aim to consistently document this information, from project planning through to dissemination, and build a database of PIE impacts in ASCRU.
Everyone within ASCRU will play a role in delivering our Strategy. However, we have designated roles for some; they are:
Jennifer Bostock – ASCRU PIE Co-Lead and PIEG Member
Karen Jones – ASCRU PIE Co-Lead
Jo Ward – Involvement Coordinator: the main point of contact for staff and for Public Advisors and is responsible for administration, support and engagement related to involvement.
Daniel Gulliford – ASCRU Administrator: responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Unit
Jose-Luis Fernandez, as ASCRU Director, will have ultimate responsibility for the success of PIE arrangements and activities
We are committed to ensuring all PIE activities are appropriately funded and Public Advisors receive resources in a timely manner.
Resources for this Strategy include time to develop and implement it by the PIE Team and PIEG members. This will be funded through central ASCRU resources.
Funding will also be provided for involvement, training and support needs for ASCRU’s Public Advisors for activities to meet the objectives set out above. This will include time compensation to participate in PIEG and Management Group meetings, and associated costs for online/in-person meetings.
Each ASCRU project will budget for its PIE activities, with resources allocated after project-level plans are discussed and approved with the PIE team.
We recognise that some of ASCRU’s advisors have needs necessitating higher budgetary considerations and we shall accommodate these where possible.
ASCRU’s PIEG is made up of public members, who were selected through an open application process. As part of this, they shared information about their background, experiences and passions for being involved. This helped to develop a group which aims to bring together a diversity of voices and experiences to contribute to ASCRU.
We provide ongoing support, guidance and resources and informal training to achieve an inclusive group which empowers its members to contribute to different activities and work with them to develop involvement opportunities which are meaningful and manageable.
If you have any queries about the role or would like more information, please contact Jennifer Bostock and Jo Ward, ascru@lse.ac.uk.
1. UK Standards for Public Involvement: https://sites.google.com/nihr.ac.uk/pi-standards/home
2. ‘Going the extra mile: Improving the nation’s health and wellbeing through public involvement in research’, National Institute for Health and Care Research, 2015
3. Language related to public involvement is constantly evolving. Within ASCRU, we aim to follow the NIHR guidance and terminology (current at the time of writing) but are aware there can sometimes see variations in language across different documents and across the sector more generally.