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ASCRU Unit Team

Nic Brimblecombe is Assistant Professorial Research Fellow in the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Her research mainly focuses on unpaid care, unmet need, and inequalties in care. Recent projects include studies of unmet need for services and the impact on carers, and barriers to support for younger carers. Other work to date has included studies of unpaid care and paid employment, young adult carers, attitudes to providing care, and support for unpaid carers.

James is currently working on the Department of Health-funded Quality and Outcomes Research Unit programme. He is lead researcher on the Engagement strand.

Javiera is an economist that has worked across a spectrum of policy areas using several micro-econometrics techniques and policy evaluation methodologies. Based at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at LSE, her research focuses on geographical inequalities in health, wellbeing and social care, and the economic evaluation of social care services. She is currently working on the analysis of local authority records to assess the effect of prevention strategies in long-term care and employs underused data to help provide information about the pressures facing the publicly-funded social care system in England.

Katerina is a Research Associate at the Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS) and the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) at the University of Kent. Her research interests are in the areas of applied microeconometrics, health economics, competition and regulation.

Daniel is ASCRU2’s Administrator. Daniel has previously held positions as an administrator for the LSE Directorate and as a project administrator/personal assistant at the Cicely Saunders Institute, King’s College London. He has a degree in Biochemistry (BSc Hons) from the University of Nottingham.

Bo is Assistant Professorial Research Fellow based within the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at LSE. Bo’s research focuses on the utilisation and financing of long-term care for older people. His research interests include: social determinants of long-term care utilisation, inequality in unmet long-term care needs, life outcomes of unmet needs, and healthy ageing from the life-course perspective. Bo uses a variety of quantitative methods (econometric analysis, structural equation modelling, and machine learning) in his research.

Gintare is a health economist within CHSS and PSSRU. Her current research interests include youth unemployment and consequences on health, well-being and poverty later in life; substitution between formal and informal care; determinants of delayed transfers of care; Better Care Fund evaluation; alcohol consumption habits in Eastern and Western Europe; health derived optimism measure in Europe.

Alisoun has worked at the University of Kent for over 20 years, first in the Personal Social Services Research Unit, then the Tizard Centre and, since 2010, the social work team based at the Medway campus. She worked as a social worker and team manager in two local authorities in London for 7 years before becoming an academic.

Olena is a joint Senior Research Fellow in Health Economics in CHSS and the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) at the University of Kent. Her research interests are in applied economics on the interrelation between individual health and informal care behaviour and labour market outcomes, policy evaluations of health care interventions and other government initiatives.

Sam is a research officer based within the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at LSE. He is a qualified social worker with over ten years’ experience managing and working in adult social care services in hospitals and the community. He is interested in the use of machine learning and natural-language processing.

Daniel has joined PSSRU Kent as a research officer in 2016. His research experience and interests include Health Economics, Long-Term Care funding options, Economics of Education, Human Capital accumulation and dynamics, Social Economics and Econometric methods.

Katarina is a research officer based within the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at LSE. She supports quantitative and modelling-based projects. She currently contributes to work that seeks to understand the supply of unpaid care and the needs and outcomes of adults with learning disabilities.

Florin is a Research Fellow based at the PSSRU at Kent. His research interest are on social care workforce (e.g. the relationship between workforce characteristics, employment conditions and quality of care; the impact of minimum wage policy on the social care sector; job satisfaction; etc.), the impact of care services on service users’ quality of life, as well as the risks related to long-term care needs, including the geographical allocation of social care funding to local authorities with care responsibilities.

Lizzie is Research Officer at the Personal Social Services Research Unit at the University of Kent. She is currently working on the the Department of Health, Policy Research Programme funded national programme evaluation of the new models of care Vanguard programme in England. Since joining the unit in 2007, she has worked on a number of projects exploring personalisation in health and social care. Most notably she worked on the Personal Health Budgets Evaluation and its bolt on substance misuse evaluation, both of which were funded by the Department of Health. Lizzie has also been involved in the Ascot Feedback Intervention Study (AFIS) which examined whether structured feedback about quality of life can have an impact on care home residents’ daily lives.

Valentina is a research fellow based within the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at LSE. Valentina’s research interests include user and carer experience, personalisation and the provision and financing of social care.